Purpoz Promotions (November 2011)
Purpoz Fall Sale
Age of Innocence Sale
Age of Innocence is now available in paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Lulu. Get 25% off instantly when you order on Lulu.com. Enjoy!:)
Age of Innocence E-Book Sale
Get your Free Sample downloads of all my novels from Smashwords.com! You can get 25% off with this announcement for my novel Age of Innocence on Smashwords.com, just enter the following code: DA82P. Offer expires on November 30, 2011.
Foreshadowers: The Book of Legends (Book 2)
Foreshadowers: The Book of Legends (Book 2) is now available on Kindle.com and Smashwords.com! You can get 25% off with this announcement for my novel Foreshadowers (Book 2) on Smashwords.com, just enter the following code: YE69Z.Offer expires on November 30, 2011. Check my blog page for more promotions, freebies, and updates.
Freebies: Now Available is Wanting Destiny (Sneak Peek) on Smashwords.com.
Age of Innocence is now available in paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Lulu. Get 25% off instantly when you order on Lulu.com. Enjoy!:)
Age of Innocence E-Book Sale
Get your Free Sample downloads of all my novels from Smashwords.com! You can get 25% off with this announcement for my novel Age of Innocence on Smashwords.com, just enter the following code: DA82P. Offer expires on November 30, 2011.
Foreshadowers E-Book Sale
Foreshadowers: The Seeker of Legends (Book 1)
For a limited time, Foreshadowers: The Seeker of Legends is available on Kindle and Smashwords.com for download for$.99. Get your copy today. Happy Reading!:-)
Foreshadowers: The Book of Legends (Book 2)
Foreshadowers: The Book of Legends (Book 2) is now available on Kindle.com and Smashwords.com! You can get 25% off with this announcement for my novel Foreshadowers (Book 2) on Smashwords.com, just enter the following code: YE69Z.Offer expires on November 30, 2011. Check my blog page for more promotions, freebies, and updates.
Freebies: Now Available is Wanting Destiny (Sneak Peek) on Smashwords.com.

Age of Innocence on Kindle -http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004UICU42
Age of Innocence on Smashwords -http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/46276
Foreshadowers: The Seeker of Legends (Book 1) on Kindle -http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004LGS1OG
Foreshadowers: The Seeker of Legends (Book 1) on Smashwords - http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/43179
Foreshadowers: The Book of Legends on Kindle (Book 2) on Kindle -http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005ODGYE4
Foreshadowers: The Book of Legends on Kindle (Book 2) on Smashwords -http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/8026